MailerLite Action After Submit is used to store customer information for marketing purposes. To use MailerLite Action After Submit, please perform the following steps:
Step 1: Create a form to collect the necessary information.
Create Form
Step 2. Edit: Submit button, select Action After Submit → Add Action → MailerLite
Add MailerLite to action after submit
Step 3. Edit the MailerLite section:
MailerLite Section
- API Key: You have 2 options: Default or Custom:
+ Default, you need to enter the API key information at Piotnet Forms → Settings → MailerLite Integration.
MailerLite Integration
+ Custom, you can enter API Key information in the Custom API Key text box.
Custom API Key
Step 4: Click GET GROUPS to get information about Groups and Fields Mapping.
Step 5: Enter Group ID information to save customer information into groups.
Enter Group ID
Step 6: Mapping fields to appropriate shortcodes:
Complete Field Mapping and test your form.