Messenger Icon

Change Log

2.1.30 (2024/10/14)

  • Added: Get mapping field for Twilio SendGrid integration

2.1.29 (2024/09/26)

  • Optimized: Display form repeater data in Form Database

2.1.28 (2024/09/09)

  • Fixed: The “Hide button after submit” option did not work with Redirect.
  • Fixed: Webhook for Abandonment sent duplicated forms
  • Fixed: Webhook and Register still requested new users submission for existing users

2.1.27 (2024/08/16)

  • Fixed: Conditional logic: actions showed on onload page
  • Added: Image upload fiel: image size limit

2.1.26 (2024/07/11)

  • Fixed: Outsiders could export forms database without login
  • Added: Custom value for Acceptance field

2.1.25 (2024/06/19)

  • Fixed: False Error notice “Undefined Variable” in WP debug

2.1.24 (2024/06/11)

  • Fixed: Roll back Font Awesome 6.5.2 to Font Awesome 5 due to lack of compatibility

2.1.23 (2024/06/10)

  • Added: Default assigned file attached in email and email 2
  • Added: Disable Font Awesome Loading in Forms
  • Optimized: Update Font Awesome 5 to Font Awesome 6.5.2

2.1.22 (2024/05/30)

  • Fixed: When using Piotnet Forms with Elementor, the CSS placeholder of Piotnet Forms is covered by the Elementor editor

2.1.21 (2024/05/06)

  • Fixed: Users could send ajax request to delete posts without permission verification
  • Fixed: When debug log and debug display are enabled, an undefined variable warning occurs during data retrieval, which subsequently leads to a JSON error when submitting a form

2.1.20 (2024/04/10)

  • Fixed: Nonce verification failed for Ajax preview
  • Fixed: Date field error in German
  • Fixed: 3D secure verification in Stripe payment
  • Fixed: False error notice: “Lacking of return URL” in Stripe payment

2.1.19 (2024/03/07)

  • Fixed: Error in Address Autocompleted field distance calculation – the calculation field is not reset to zero when clearing the input
  • Added: Option to remove signature field after mapping to PDF file in PDF Generator
  • Fixed: In Email and email 2, the “Email from” option does not work with entered shortcode
  • Fixed: Hidden on (Desktop, Tablet, Mobile) option in Edit section > Advanced tab > Responsive does not work
  • Added: Add ‘Nonce – number used once’ for ajax requests, prevent forms from Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks

2.1.18 (2024/02/16)

  • Fixed: Flatpickr error in French and Portuguese 

2.1.17 (2024/01/26)

  • Fixed: Blank URL in File Upload: If there is “Space” in file name, URL of attached file would be blank
  • Added: Send data by label in Select Auto Completed Field

2.1.16 (2023/12/27)

  • Fixed: Stripe integration: receipt_email does not work properly
  • Fixed: Stripe integration: payment description does not work properly

2.1.15 (2023/12/20)

  • Fixed: Code error if select field is empty in WooCommerce Checkout 
  • Fixed: Error in Hiding API keys in settings page
  • Added: 3D Secure for Stripe Payments

2.1.14 (2023/12/06)

  • Fixed: File upload field
  • Fixed: Undefined array key “mollie_payment” in mollie payent.
  • Added: Add shortcode into Paypal description

2.1.13 (2023/11/01) (we skipped 2.1.12 because of instant error)

  • Added: Razorpay Integration
  • Optimized: Hide API keys in settings page
  • Fixed: Hide the button after submitting in Other options section does not work

2.1.11 (2023/11/01)

  • Fixed: Hiding the submit button after submitting does not work

2.1.10 (2023/09/29)

  • Fixed: Max length option error in the Number field.
  • Fixed: Issue with the Acceptance field not recognizing Checkbox/Radio Button Replacement style.
  • Added: Display images in the Images Select Field within Forms Preview Submission.

2.1.9 (2023/09/05)

  • Update: Implemented changes to accommodate the new Stripe payment API. Resolved conflicts that arose between new Stripe accounts and Piotnet forms.
  • Updated: Adapted to changes as Sendinblue transitions to Brevo.
  • Added: Update contact function for Sendinblue (Brevo)
  • Added: Sending message to multi recipients in Twilio Whatsapp integration

2.1.8 (2023/08/11)

  • Updated type button
  • Fixed issue with PDF custom font not functioning
  • Updated Moolie payment
  • Fixed issue where PDF did not receive values from calculated field

2.1.7 (2023/07/17)

  • Fixed: Conflict with Oxygen where forms could not be saved after editing.
  • Fixed: JavaScript error that occurred when choosing Button/Button with Icon style for the Checkbox field.

2.1.6 (2023/07/13)

  • New controls added: Mimimum files for file upload field
  • Fixed: Lack of Form ID when use Next/Previous Multi Step Form for Button
  • Fixed: Emty $content when using with Bricks
  • Fixed: Field duplicated when using with Avanda theme
  • Fixed: Date format error that occurred when using the booking form
  • 2.1.5 (2023/06/18)
  • Fixed: Forms Editor disabled in used with Bricks themes
  • Fixed: Image upload field error when forms only have this field
  • Optimized: Admin.min.js and admin.min.css will no longer load by default in the Dashboard

2.1.4 (2023/05/29)

  • Fixed: Google Tag Manager not working
  • Fixed: Icon button not displaying properly
  • Fixed: Reset Ranger Slider after submitting forms
  • Optimized: Add “Check existing email address” in Form Database
  • Optimized: Add shortcode for Conditional Logic “set value”
  • Optimized: Adjust the maximum ID list for “activecampaign”
  • Optimized: Add Custom In-line Classes applied to container in Submit Button

2.1.3 (2023/05/13)

  • Fixed: Redirect action not working
  • Fixed: Upload File error not working with WooCommerce Checkout
  • Fixed: “Add Meta Order Item” error when using WooCommerce Checkout vs Multi-step form
  • Fixed: Maximum Upload File not working
  • Optimized: Add “Text Align” for PDF Generator
  • Optimized: Restrict CSS and JS Loading of Piotnet Forms

2.1.2 (2023/04/28)

  • Fixed: A Conflict vs Avada Theme
  • Fixed: “Get List ID” error in Twilio SendGrid integration
  • Fixed: Decimal and Separator Character error in Calculated field
  • Fixed: Input Mask not working in Elementor PopUp
  • Fixed: Tel Field conflicts vs Astra Theme
  • Fixed: Tel Field not working in Elementor PopUp
  • Optimized: Add Confirmation Button when deleting a post (Frontend Submission)

2.1.1 (2023/04/12)

  • Fixed: Multistep form error after submitting a form
  • Fixed: Form ID “Null” error
  • Optimized: Add Control Title Step Color in Multistep Form
  • Optimized: Add Required Notification Message for some field types

2.1.0 (2023/03/22)

  • Fixed: PHP 8.0 error
  • Optimized: Update PDF Generator controls
  • Optimized: Address autocomplete field to multiple countries
  • Optimized: Add quantity limitation for Upload file type

2.0.27 (2023/02/24)

  • Fixed: Select Autocomplete not working on Firefox and Edge
  • Optimized: Add “Quantity option” for WooCommerce Checkout
  • Optimized: Support ACF and Metabox Group Subfields

2.0.26 (2023/02/15)

  • Fixed: WooCommerce dynamic pricing in the mini card
  • Fixed: Stripe + Register actions error.

2.0.25 (2023/02/08)

  • Fixed: Register and Update User error with Metabox Image Custom Field
  • Fixed: Form_ID issue in Multi-step form
  • Fixed: Upload file and Stripe payment error
  • Fixed: PHP 8 error
  • Optimized: Add “Select autocomplete” in the Term Select type

2.0.24 (2023/01/17)

  • Fixed: Twilio SendGrid not working in the Multistep form
  • Fixed: Remote IP in Dynamic Field Values
  • Fixed: Conditional Logic not working with Image Select field type.
  • Fixed: Copy Field Shortcode
  • Optimized: Spam preventing the possibility of reCaptcha
  • Optimized: Dynamic pricing Elementor in menu cart (mini card)
  • Optimized: Add custom font

2.0.23 (2022/12/25)

  • Fixed: Upload file field not working on WooCommerce Checkout
  • Fixed: Piotnet Forms conflicts Nav Menu of Bricks Builder
  • Optimized: Implement “Step option” in the Number field
  • Added: a JS hook after submitting successfully.

2.0.22 (2022/12/08)

  • Fixed: SendGrid Custom Field issue
  • Fixed: “Submit Post” issue with Metabox, JetEngine Repeater field
  • Optimized: Add a notification option for Mollie Payment
  • Optimized: Add new filter: piotnetforms/form_builder/validate_pre_submit_form

2.0.21 (2022/11/30)

  • Fixed: Conditional Logic works incorrectly with Radio Checkbox.
  • Fixed: CSS text-align issue for the HTML field.
  • Fixed: The Booking form not working when duplicating a form.

2.0.20 (2022/11/25)

  • Fixed: Calculated field issue.
  • Fixed: Piotnet Forms conflicts Zion Builder.
  • Fixed: Debounce Live Preview.
  • Optimized: Add the “receipt email” in Stripe payment.

2.0.19 (2022/11/09)

  • Fixed: Conditional Logic not working versus Checkbox field in complicated setup.
  • Fixed: Focus styles not working on Form Settings
  • Fixed: Label Animation with Textarea field.
  • Fixed: Revise JSON.pase file for Range Slider Field

2.0.18 (2022/10/31)

  • Fixed:  Getresponse dayOfCycle error.
  • Fixed: “Send data by Label” function error.

2.0.17 (2022/10/24)

  • Fixed: Required field not working on WooCommerce Checkout
  • Fixed: Color of Typography errors in PDF Generator.
  • Added: Current user information to Dynamic tags.

2.0.16 (2022/10/11)

  • Fixed: Undefined index placeholder.
  • Fixed: “Image Select” not working on Popup Elementor.
  • Fixed: A PDF Generator error.

2.0.15 (2022/09/26)

  • Fixed: The alignment of Submit button not working when applying Conditional Logic.
  • Fixed: The address autocomplete field not working properly in the repeater section.
  • Optimized: PayPal once time & PayPal subscription not working simultaneously on Editor.
  • Optimized: Charge Amount element in Stripe Payment.

2.0.14 (2022/09/16)

  • Fixed: An issue when putting {{post_title}} in Email Subject.
  • Fixed: Filling Values in Repeater is not correct in “Edit Post”.
  • Optimized: Allowance files in “Upload files”.
  • Added: Responsive Feature in Advanced Tabs.
  • Added: Scroll the Required Multistep form (Image Select/Image Upload Field Type)
  • Added: Dynamic Tags – CSS Variables.

2.0.13 (2022/09/09)

  • Fixed: An issue with the color of PDF Generator.
  • Fixed: Conditional Logic feature not working with Required fields.

2.0.12 (2022/08/27)

  • Fixed: Tiny MCE not working with Bricks or Oxygen.
  • Removed: Required minimum version of PHP 7.1

2.0.11 (2022/08/23)

  • Fixed: Dropdown icon conflicts with Bricks theme
  • Fixed: Cannot drag & drop widget (conflict with YITH WooCommerce Product Add-ons & Extra Options Premium)
  • Added: Min length of characters/words for a Textarea Field.
  • Added: Padding for Dynamic Tags for email.
  • Optimized: Editor Loading Speed on the low-resource server.

2.0.10 (2022/08/11)

  • Fixed: Conflict Issue with Elementor 3.7.0
  • Fixed: An issue with authenticating Google Sheets.
  • Optimized: Update the new HubSpot API method.

2.0.9 (2022/08/04)

  • Fixed: Stripe not loading correctly in Firefox.
  • Fixed: PayPal Subscription token.
  • Fixed: Dropdown icon issue of the Select field.
  • Fixed: Widget Spacer not working on the frontend.
  • Fixed: Image/Upload file field issue
  • Fixed: Undefined offset error of Range Slider.
  • Added: JSON format for options of Range Slider.
  • Added: An option to hide the “Submit Button” after submitting success.
  • Optimized: Conditional Logic and Calculated field on complex forms.

2.0.8 (2022/07/25)

  • Fixed: PayPal + Conditional Logic issue.
  • Fixed: Cannot render widgets with null data
  • Fixed: Select Image in Multi-step forms issue.
  • Fixed: Date field conflicts with Hello Elementor theme.
  • Added: Post Titles + Post IDs in Dynamic Tags
  • Added: PayPal Subscription for Multi-step forms.
  • Optimized: The error handling for Stripe Subscription.
  • Optimized: JS and CSS.

2.0.7 (2022/07/13)

  • Fixed: Conditional Logic not working properly with the Radio field.
  • Fixed: Dynamic Tags post_terms “link:true” not working.
  • Fixed: Forms keep saving database and turn on popup even when registering a fail
  • Fixed: The colors code in PDF.
  • Fixed: Date Range function not working properly.
  • Added: Post_Id short code of “Submit Post”.
  • Added: Scroll required files (Image select, Image upload).
  • Optimized: Check IP Address for International Tel field.
  • Optimized: Change dropdown Menu on Admin bar with Editor permission.
  • Optimized: Loading Speed Improvement – JS and CSS (only 42 KB)

2.0.6 (2022/07/06)

  • Fixed: Form Database issue
  • Optimized: Stripe Payment core

2.0.4 (2022/07/05)

  • Fixed: International prefixed – has a glitch on a left-to-right script.
  • Fixed: An issue with Image alignment on the image select field.
  • Fixed: Align function not working if applying for Flexbox (Image Select).
  • Fixed: Dynamic field values not working properly with WooCommerce.
  • Fixed: Labels in the CSV file disappear when combining Repeater and other fields (Form Database).
  • Fixed: duplicate Submit Action inside Oxygen modal.
  • Added: The Select2 option for the Terms Select field.
  • Optimized: Detect default countries for International Telephone Input.
  • Optimized: Update Stripe library to version 8.9.0.
  • Optimized: Only Admin permission can access the Settings plugin page.
  • Optimized: Change the Password type for API key fields on the Settings plugin page.

2.0.3 (2022/06/30)

  • Integration with ACF relationship fields.
  • Hide Piotnetforms post type from the front end.
  • Fixed:  access permission of CSS assets.
  • Fixed:  jQuery Mask Input conflict with Rank Math SEO plugin.

2.0.2 (2022/06/24)

  • Added: option Subscribe to Beta updates to Plugin setting page.
  • Fixed:  Signature field doesn’t work on Mobile.
  • Fixed:  Flatpickr control in Editor doesn’t work.

2.0.1 (2022/06/20)

  • New: Confirm field.
  • Fixed:  an issue in Editor.
  • Fixed:  Twilio Sendgrid renders incorrect data
  • Set delay for change event of Mini Colors Input in Editor.

2.0.0 (2022/06/20)

  • Piotnet Forms 2.0 official release. Read more details here.

2.0.0-beta6 (2022/06/17)

  • Added: a zoom-out icon to the Editor.
  • Added: Label for Custom Field Item on Submit Post Section.
  • Added: Dynamic fields for Google Calendar settings.
  • Added: Error handling when Save form.
  • Optimize and Fixed:  bugs in Navigator.
  • Fixed:  disappear Save button when editing Form Setting.
  • Fixed:  Checkbox field of JetEngine does not work with the Edit Post.
  • Fixed:  edit post with Repeater.
  • Fixed:  WooCommerce Checkout page not working on the first load.
  • Fixed:  Summary field setting in Google Calendar issue.

2.0.0-beta5 (2022/06/14)

  • Fixed: Set child for Column in Navigator.
  • The updated text content of widgets in Navigator.

2.0.0-beta4 (2022/06/14)

  • New enhancement for Navigator in Editor.
  • Support limit multiple selections of the Checkbox Field.
  • Fixed:  The International Tel Field does not work on Repeater.
  • Fixed:  Send raw shortcode when the field is empty in Google Sheets.
  • Fixed:  Submit form doesn’t show a message when creating the checkbox or radio field for the first time.
  • Fixed:  requires date Flatpickr option.
  • Fixed:  editor width when WordPress sidebar is collapsed.

2.0.0-beta3 (2022/06/04)

  • Optimize drag and drop widgets in Editor.
  • Added: term id into the dynamic tag.
  • Added: Modern Style for File Upload.
  • Navigator in Editor is resizable.
  • Optimized: the check license plugin.
  • Fixed:  repeater value when editing Post.
  • Reset the modern upload field after sending form data.
  • Fixed: Date field style and Placeholder missing.
  • Fixed: form tag.
  • Fixed: File Upload not added: a new line when sending URL in Email.
  • Fixed: The “Attach files to email, do not upload to upload folder” feature not working with the Image Upload field.

2.0.0-beta2 (2022/05/27)

  • Added: attach PDF option for the Multi-step form.
  • Added: Contains condition for Submit button.
  • Update PayPal subscription.
  • Fixed: International Telephone Input does not show flags
  • Fixed: Warning: Attempt to read property “post_type” for bricks theme.
  • Fixed: An issue with the user meta key in Register.
  • Fixed: Required alert in the Multi-step form.

2.0.0-beta1 (2022/05/23)

  • Piotnet Forms 2.0 opens the first beta. Read more details here.

1.2.16 (2022/05/21)

  • Added: min length option for Tel field.
  • Added: members to the Constant Contact list.
  • Fixed:  an issue of Select Autocomplete Field in the Multistep Form.

1.2.15 (2022/05/15)

  • Fixed: requires a select autocomplete field when using conditional logic.
  • Fixed: condition logic issues.

1.2.14 (2022/05/09)

  • Fixed: Flatpickr doesn’t work in Multi-Step form.

1.2.13 (2022/05/09)

  • Fixed: a condition logic issue for Select multiple field.
  • Fixed: bug International Telephone Input does not show flags and remove an error of intlTelInput in the console tab.

1.2.12 (2022/05/06)

  • Added: International Telephone Input with Flags and Dial Codes.
  • Update Constant Contact API.
  • Fixed: Flatpickr doesn’t work in Multi-Step form.
  • Fixed: a conditional issue.

1.2.11 (2022/04/27)

  • Added: Show/hide Progress bar option for Multistep Form.
  • Updated: Address field required for Mailchimp API.
  • Fixed: condition checked and unchecked.
  • Fixed: bcc and cc in email/email2.

1.2.10 (2022/04/24)

  • Added: option to attach PDF file to the email.
  • Fixed:  conflict with Vj WP Import Export plugin.

1.2.9 (2022/04/19)

  • Update ConstantContact authorization URL.
  • Fixed: newline error in PDF text area fields.

1.2.8 (2022/04/08)

  • Fixed:  license system conflicts with WPML plugin.

1.2.7 (2022/04/07)

  • Fixed: Calculated field calculate the incorrect value with a decimal symbol.
  • Fixed: can’t clear the value of Select control in Editor.

1.2.6 (2022/04/06)

  • Fixed: license system conflicts with WPML plugin.
  • Fixed: an issue of Textarea with a newline in Live Preview mode.
  • Fixed: using default font incorrectly.

1.2.5 (2022/03/31)

  • Fixed: when using Remove empty field then Export database incorrect.
  • Fixed: using default font incorrectly.
  • Fixed: conflict CSS with Divi plugin.

1.2.4 (2022/03/26)

  • Fixed: The license gets an incorrect expired date with old PHP versions.
  • Fixed: The dropdown of the Select field is shown on the Image select.
  • Fixed: Form Entries not counting correctly the form submissions.

1.2.3 (2022/03/21)

  • Fixed: The Signature field doesn’t work with conditional logic.
  • Fixed: An issue when deleting the image of the Image Select field.

1.2.2 (2022/03/18)

  • Tweak: Change font default to inherit.
  • Fixed: The TinyMCE format doesn’t show in Submit post.
  • Fixed: The dropdown doesn’t show in the Select field.

1.2.1 (2022/03/08)

  • Added: dynamic tags for Remote IP.
  • Added: image preview for the image field.
  • Tweak: Update preview label option for Select, Checkbox, and Radio field.
  • Tweak: Update post_author for Submit Post when using with Register.
  • Fixed:  Check to update new version plugin.
  • Fixed:  Dropdown select CSS.
  • Fixed:  The date field not working when using Flatpickr custom option in the repeater.

1.2.0 (2022/03/07)

  • The new license dashboard (experiment) is out now. Now you can manage your activated websites at here.

1.1.26 (2022/02/19)

  • Added: shorcode [post_url] for Remote Request.
  • Added: limit entries option for submit button.
  • Fixed: notification doesn’t show when duplicate Email or Username.
  • Fixed: an issue of Register and Update User Profile with Metabox and Toolset Integration.
  • Fixed:  Border style of Select Field.
  • Fixed: display incorrect form when using shortcode widget of Bricks theme.
  • Fixed: an issue of custom message of Submit button.

1.1.25 (2022/02/09)

  • New Feature: Integrate the MetaBox Group with the Submit post and the Edit post.
  • Added: new action hook to process Remote Request data:

do_action(‘piotnetforms/form_builder/remote_request_response’, $form_submission, $remote_request_response, $webhook_response);

  • Added: new filter hook to custom response message of Submit button:

apply_filters(‘piotnetforms/form_builder/custom_message’, false, $form_submission, $remote_request_response, $webhook_response);

  • Added: new filter hook to decide send email or not:

apply_filters(‘piotnetforms/form_builder/not_send_email’, false, $form_submission, $remote_request_response, $webhook_response);

  • Fixed:  Added:ress Autocomplete Map display broken image.

1.1.24 (2022/01/28)

  • Update Responsive for label inline.
  • Fixed: Signature Pad doesn’t work on Multi-Step forms.
  • Fixed: display incorrect form in Editor mode with Bricks thems.
  • Fixed: undefined shortcode of Stripe.

1.1.22 (2021/12/25)

  • Integration Toolset Field to Register Form Builder and Update User Profile.
  • Added: press enter option to submit the form.
  • Fixed: an issue with SendGrid.
  • Fixed: an issue of Preview on Editor.
  • Fixed: conflict with Bricks theme.

1.1.21 (2021/12/18)

  • Added: option to save form data to PDF file after submission.
  • Added: mollie payment status shortcode to email 2.
  • Fixed: Repeater Field issue with Conditional logic.
  • Fixed: an issue when setting the default value is empty.

1.1.20 (2021/12/11)

  • Added: custom required message for Textarea field.
  • Fixed: an issue of Calculated field.
  • Fixed: conditional logic for number type.
  • Fixed: form working incorrectly in some cases with an empty value.

1.1.19 (2021/12/04)

  • Integrate MetaBox Field with Register Form Builder and Update User Profile.
  • Added: Input width style for Image upload field.
  • Update Mollie payment status for shortcode.
  • Fixed: conflict with Bricks themes.
  • Fixed: signature required issue.
  • Fixed: live preview of repeater items.
  • Fixed: time format for Time field.
  • Fixed: can’t display the Date field of ACF Repeater form in Submit post.
  • Fixed: an issue of the Calculated field.
  • Do re-calculate for number field when updating the min or max value.
  • Fixed:  Text align style of Field is incorrect.

1.1.18 (2021/11/08)

  • Added: Iban field.
  • Added: Mollie payment status shortcode to email.
  • Fixed: Signature field on Safari iOS 15.
  • Fixed: an issue of ConvertKit.
  • Fixed: an issue of Woocommerce checkout redirect.
  • Fixed: Paypal shortcode not working with Checkbox and Radio.

1.1.15 (2021/10/22)

  • Inline label for form field.
  • Added: new filter hooks to change the path of the Upload File: piotnetforms/form_builder/upload_dir and piotnetforms/form_builder/upload_dir/file_name
  • Fixed:  display issue of checkbox, acceptance, and radio fields.

1.1.14 (2021/10/13)

  • Added: request_post for Dynamic Tags.
  • Improvement security issues.
  • Fixed: Register Form is not working with ACF Field.
  • Fixed: display issue of Select Autocomplete Field in Popup.

1.1.13 (2021/10/08)

  • Fixed: an issue with the Copy & Paste style function on the Editor page.
  • Fixed: repeater returns raw shortcode when using Remove Empty Field.
  • Fixed: an issue with Stripe payment.
  • Fixed: Select Autocomplete Field of not working in Popup.

1.1.12 (2021/10/02)

  • New feature: Editor Navigator (Structure).
  • Added: new action hook for Abandonment: piotnetforms_action_form_abandonment
  • Added: option to remove option value for number field.
  • Fixed:  Booking Form can’t load in Elementor shortcode.
  • Fixed:  an issue of Live Preview Field Value: Do not receive the value of Checkbox, Radio field.

1.1.11 (2021/09/27)

  • Support create Stripe invoice payment.
  • Fixed: The typography style of Text field is not working.

1.1.10 (2021/09/22)

  • New feature: ConvertKit integration.
  • Change ActiveCampaign API to v3.
  • Fixed: Form Abandonment does not save the value of Add:ress Autocomplete Field.

1.1.9 (2021/09/15)

  • Added: Link target for Lost Password.
  • Fixed:  PHP syntax error.

1.1.8 (2021/09/10)

  • Added: ACF options to user register in the Multi-step widget.
  • Fixed: Update User Profile can’t display the value of the Checkbox field.
  • Fixed: Typography and background color style of Select field not working.
  • Fixed: a bug of condition in the repeater.
  • Fixed: the amount of Mollie payment for the calculation field.

1.1.7 (2021/09/06)

  • Added: Justify Content for Multi-step form.
  • Fixed: an issue with the Form Submission widget.
  • Fixed: A Webhook issue of Form Abandonment.
  • Fixed: Update User Profile can’t display the value of the Checkbox field.
  • Fixed: Input padding style of Select field not working.

1.1.5 (2021/08/30)

  • Added: new options for Hubspot: Get group list and Get property list.
  • Added: a custom message for minimal selection.
  • Added: Item Spacing CSS option for the Radio field and the Check box field.
  • Fixed:  a bug with the Form Entries widget on the Editor page.
  • Fixed: (+/-) button of Number field isn’t working when don’t set min/max value.
  • Fixed: Style control for the “Select Autocomplete” field is not working.
  • Fixed: Redirect URL for Mollie’s payment.

1.1.3 (2021/08/23)

  • Added: Webhook for Form Abandonment.
  • Added: “Input Height” style for the TinyMCE field.
  • Added: align image select field.
  • Get the list of form IDs and field labels automatically.
  • Fixed:  doesn’t show invalid fields when clicking the Paypal button in Firefox.
  • Fixed:  an issue of Dynamic Tag Post Url.

1.1.2 (2021/08/17)

  • New option to support import font for Stripe.
  • New option to send a confirmation email for Mailchimp.
  • New option to support Subscription use only the price for Stripe.
  • Added: Twilio Whatsapp and Twilio SMS Integration into Multistep Form.
  • Update Widget icons.
  • Reorder Widgets in Editor.
  • Fixed: can’t display the Date field in the Update User Profile.
  • Fixed: calculated field in the repeater form is not working with “Edit post”.
  • Fixed: an issue for authentication of Zoho CRM.
  • Fixed: Numeric field doesn’t work when reloading at Incognito mode.

1.1.1 (2021/08/07)

  • Fixed: a bug of New widget to display the form data.

1.1.0 (2021/08/06)

  • New feature: Mollie Payments. Check out the document here.
  • New widget for displaying the form data. Check out the document here.
  • Added: SendFox and Sendy Integration into Multistep Form.
  • Fixed: an issue with MailChimp Acceptance field.
  • Fixed: a Paypal issue with form id containing a space character.
  • Fixed: Submit button doesn’t work when using Image Select field with Condition Logic.

[FREE] 1.0.19 (2021/07/30)

  • Tested up to WordPress 5.8

1.0.95 (2021/07/27)

  • Added: MailChimp tags for Subscribers.
  • Added: custom style for Stripe field.
  • Added: the Acceptance field for Hubspot Integration.
  • Added: “Item Vertical Spacing” style for the Checkbox field.
  • Fixed: a repeater issue in the Form Database.
  • Fixed: Date Field and Time Field display duplicate in Repeater on mobile.
  • Fixed: can’t click the Next button in Multistep form when having the required field that is hidden by conditional logic.

1.0.94 (2021/07/14)

  • Added: “minuteIncrement” option of Flatpickr for Time field.
  • Added: Google Calendar and Hubspot into Multistep form.
  • Change default time format value of Time field to ‘h:i K’.
  • Integrate ACF plugin with Register.
  • Fixed: the Hubspot API key that doesn’t save on the Setting page.
  • Fixed: can’t Set value for Image Field when Submit Post/Edit Post with ACF Repeater.
  • Fixed: SignaturePad doesn’t work on Firefox.
  • Fixed: Calculated Fields calculate an incorrect value for floating numbers.
  • Fixed: Email content include raw Shortcode when using Remove empty field.
  • Fixed: a CSS issue of Checkbox, Radio, Acceptance field.
  • Fixed: metadata for Webhook doesn’t work.
  • Fixed: conflict with Oxgen plugin when using Firefox to submit the form.
  • Fixed: display the value of Date field in Repeater when “Edit post”.
  • Fixed: an issue of Field when enabling “Remove empty field”.

1.0.93 (2021/07/03)

  • Support dynamic custom file name PDF by shortcode.
  • Remove the PAFE tutorial video on the Setting page.
  • Fixed: bug of number field type when setting Min-Max value, it could not fill value from the keyboard.
  • Fixed: the Date field of Meta Box integration display incorrectly.
  • Fixed: bug the conditional logic use repeater multi-levels together in the Edit Post page.
  • Fixed: can’t select Image on the Editor page.
  • Fixed: Invalid Message display incorrect when Submit form using Stripe Payment.
  • Fixed: can’t submit Stripe form when Checkbox field is required and hidden by Conditional Logic.
  • Fixed:  an issue of Date Time format.

1.0.92 (2021/06/23)

  • Fixed: Calculated Fields format incorrect for floating-point number.
  • Fixed: Coupon Code Fields not working when don’t have any Coupon data.

1.0.91 (2021/06/19)

  • New conditional visibility: Visibility by Date and Time.
  • Added: a new action hook for Form Abandonment.
  • Added: custom modules for Zoho CRM.
  • Added: types of fields for Zoho CRM: Checkbox, Boolean, Multi-select, date type.
  • Fixed: an issue with Google Font.
  • Fixed: a Sendinblue issue when adding a contact to the list.
  • Fixed: an issue about Zoho in Multi-step form.

1.0.90 (2021/06/08)

  • New: Sendgrid integration. Check out the document here.
  • Integrate the JetEngine Repeater with the Submit post and the Edit post.
  • Fixed: can’t update User Profile.
  • Fixed: an issue when setup authorization for Zoho CRM.
  • Fixed: an issue with the PDF generator.

1.0.89 (2021/06/01)

  • Image select field: Added: minimum selected images requirement.
  • Fixed: Background Color CSS in Global Settings doesn’t work.
  • Fixed: an issue about Google Sheets when using Conditional Logic.
  • Fixed: an issue about Woocommerce Checkout in Multi-Step form.

1.0.88 (2021/05/21)

  • Fixed: an issue when using the upload file in the repeater.
  • Fixed: show/hide Subscriptions Plan List of Stripe Payment in Editor.
  • Fixed: an issue when importing forms.

1.0.87 (2021/05/19)

  • New Filter Hook before submitting:

apply_filters( ‘piotnetforms/form_builder/form_settings’, $settings);

  • Fixed: an issue about the Range Slider field with complex options.

1.0.86 (2021/05/18)

  • Allow removing the value of Select field type in Editor.
  • Fixed: calculate incorrectly when removing repeater items.
  • Fixed: a PDF generator issue.

1.0.85 (2021/05/17)

  • Fixed: calculate incorrect for repeater items.

1.0.84 (2021/05/15)

  • Added: new metadata shortcode.
  • Fixed: font-weight in Global Style.
  • Fixed: redirect when using Stripe payment and redirect forms.
  • Remove license email on the Setting page.

1.0.83 (2021/05/10)

  • Added: Hubspot integration.
  • Fixed: WooCommerce Checkout incompatible with Piotnet Addons For Elementor Pro.
  • Fixed: an Acceptance style issue.

1.0.82 (2021/05/08)

  • Added: new Sendinblue Email Marketing Integration.
  • New tool for Activecampaign: Update information of existing contacts.
  • Added: a new shortcode for ZohoCRM: [Remote_IP].
  • Added: delete post shortcode into submit button and multi-step form.
  • Change edit post shortcode from edit_post to piotnetforms_edit_post.
  • Fixed: ing: Can’t redirect when enabling ReCaptcha.
  • Fixed: ing: Image select fields not showing on Mozilla and on Mobile.
  • Fixed: ing: ACF Repeater value in Multi-Step Forms not displaying when using Edit Post feature.
  • Fixed: ing: The edit post shortcode is not showing in Multi-Step Form (on the editor page).
  • Remove Footer HTML and JS if the shortcode is not there.
  • Remove PAFE form builder post type from Yoast Seo plugin.

1.0.81 (2021/04/20)

  • Fixed: an issue that calculated fields don’t show separator characters when enabling “Always show decimal places”.
  • Fixed: an issue that date fields require incorrect on mobile.

1.0.80 (2021/04/12)

  • Fixed: a Stripe issue.
  • Fixed: can’t redirect when enabling ReCaptcha.

1.0.79 (2021/04/02)

  • Fixed: Google Sheets repeater issue.
  • Fixed: the form not loading full width in Oxygen editor.
  • Fixed: a PDF generator issue.
  • Fixed: a Stripe issue.
  • Fixed: an Image Upload issue.
  • Fixed: a box-shadow CSS for the field.
  • Fixed: text color CSS for select type.
  • Fixed: compare password issue.
  • Fixed: can’t update email in User Profile.
  • Fixed: a radio field shortcode issue.

1.0.78 (2021/03/26)

  • New shortcode for delete post: piotnetforms_delete_post.
  • New: Show/Hidden and compare password field.
  • Hide “Remove Button” when having only one item repeater.
  • Hide “Added: Button” when the items repeater reaches the max limit.
  • Handle register duplicate username and email.
  • Added: checkbox and radio field for Mailchimp.
  • Fixed: CSS issues: Submit Button, Boxshadow Color.
  • Fixed: issue about conditional logic for submit button.
  • Fixed: issues: Date field, Flatpickr custom options, delete post shortcode, showing the invalid message.
  • Improve Accessibility: Focusable Submit Button.

1.0.77 (2021/03/12)

  • New: Redirect open new tab.
  • Fixed: redirect after submitting issue.

1.0.76 (2021/03/12)

  • Fixed: redirect after submitting issue.

1.0.75 (2021/03/11)

  • New: Sendfox integration. Check out the document here.
  • New: Hide field data for form database.
  • New: Edit contact for ActiveCampaign.
  • Fixed:  issues about Stripe payment, Honeypot, and dynamic tag.
  • Disable the click Submit button when sending data.
  • Fixed: conflict with Germanized For Woocommerce plugin.

1.0.74 (2021/03/02)

  • New: Twilio Whatsapp integration. Check out the document here.
  • New: Twilio SMS integration. Check out the document here.
  • New feature: Live preview field value. Check out the document here.
  • Added: Send As HTML/Plain Option for Multistep Form.
  • Added: link option for the text widget.
  • Remove plus button when uploading max-file.
  • Fixed:  breaking for Textarea field.
  • Remove empty field for PDF Generator.
  • Fixed:  issues about popup, MailerLite, and field shortcode.
  • Fixed:  remove line if field empty.

1.0.72 (2021/02/22)

  • New: Sendy integration. Check out the document here.
  • New: Pods integration.
  • New: Meta Box integration.
  • New: Custom PDF filename.
  • New: Added: metadata for email 2.
  • New: Send email as HTML and plain.
  • Fixed: booking bug.
  • Fixed:  the Zoho bug.
  • Fixed:  breaking email content.
  • Fixed:  redirect after Submit.
  • Fixed:  Conditional Logic Google sheets.

1.0.71 (2021/01/27)

  • Fixed:  ActiveCampaign variable.
  • Fixed:  submit post radio and checkbox value in ACF repeater.
  • Fixed:  Google Sheet.
  • Fixed:  ACF checkbox field always returns true.
  • Fixed:  required for booking fields.
  • Fixed:  required validation is not working in with WooCommerce checkout.

1.0.70 (2021/01/23)

  • Fixed:  the signature filename issue.
  • Fixed:  email content.
  • Fixed:  checking checkboxes.
  • Fixed:  multiple date fields in a form.

1.0.69 ( 2021/01/12 )

  • Fixed:  thumbnail and URL of Signature field.
  • Fixed:  User Meta Key issue.

1.0.67 ( 2021/01/07 )

  • Fixed:  select autocomplete field in repeater form.
  • Fixed:  conflict with PHP 8.

1.0.66 ( 2021/01/06 )

  • Fixed:  Global Settings Issues

1.0.65 ( 2021/01/06 )

  • New Feature: Global Settings ( Global Form Style ) – Click on the Gear Icon of the Editor Bottom
  • Fixed:  Date Field

1.0.64 ( 2020/12/30 )

  • New Feature: Copy and Paste Styles ( Just right clicking and selecting Copy Style, Paste Style )
  • Fixed:  Woocommerce Checkout Redirect

1.0.62 ( 2020/12/28 )

  • New Feature: Conditional for actions after submission.
  • Fixed:  Submit ID Shortcode.
  • Fixed:  cart item uncorrected data when Adding to cart.
  • Fixed:  Conflict CSS for Added: Order Items in Woocommerce.

1.0.61 ( 2020/12/23 )

  • Fixed:  default value for Preview Submission.
  • Fixed:  LTR TinyMCE.
  • Fixed:  Remove this field from Repeater.
  • New feature: Added: column vertical-align CSS.
  • Import font for PDF.
  • Change field id to the label for Form Database.
  • Added: form id, status column into Form Database, and Form Abandonment.
  • New feature: Preview template for PDF.

1.0.60 ( 2020/12/19 )

  • New Feature: Change the element width by grabbing the right border and drag to the desired width. You can change element width at Advanced Tab > Advanced > Width.
  • Fixed:  the calculated field calculate incorrectly with thousand separators.

1.0.59 ( 2020/12/18 )

  • New Feature: Slack Webhook Integration
  • Fixed:  Textarea Max Length
  • Fixed:  Preview Submission With Conditional Logic Field
  • Fixed:  Message of Stripe Payment Form with Multi Submit Button
  • Fixed:  invalid message of radio and checkbox field

1.0.58 ( 2020/12/14 )

  • Fixed:  Editor Issues
  • Fixed:  Calculated Fields

1.0.56 ( 2020/12/08 )

  • Fixed:  Signature Pad disappear when scrolling.
  • Fixed:  MailPoet can’t send a duplicate email.
  • Fixed:  handling license key.
  • Fixed:  Multi Step Form.

1.0.55 ( 2020/12/08 )

  • Fixed:  Conditional Visibility
  • Fixed:  Stripe Payment
  • Fixed:  Required Field With Conditional Logic
  • Fixed:  Editor Issues

1.0.52 ( 2020/12/07 )

  • Fixed:  MailPoet can’t send a duplicate email.
  • Fixed:  loading Editor.

1.0.51 ( 2020/12/06 )

  • Auto Generate Form ID (from Form Title) for Field Widget
  • Select Field Shortcode

1.0.41 ( 2020/11/30 )

  • Added: Google Sheets Tab Option
  • Dynamic Field Value for Select, Options
  • Fixed:  Required Field
  • Remove Piotnet Forms HTML in Footer if Piotnet Forms isn’t used

1.0.40 ( 2020/11/26 )

  • Fixed:  Form Builder Editor not loading
  • Fixed:  Calculated Field
  • Fixed:  Select Autocomplete Field Required
  • New dynamic value tags: {{post_id}} {{post_title}} {{post_url}} {{shortcode | shortcode:[your_short_code]}}

1.0.38 ( 2020/11/23 )

1.0.37 ( 2020/11/03 )

  • Fixed:  Export Form Submission ( Form Database )
  • New Actions Hook:
  • Added: Email From Option For Submit Button

1.0.34 ( 2020/11/01 )

1.0.33 ( 2020/11/01 )

  • Added: Paypal Locale
  • Fixed:  Min Value 0 for Number Field
  • Fixed:  Word Break on Form Editor Panel

1.0.32 ( 2020/10/30 )

  • Fixed:  Form Submit Issue Inside the Oxygen Modal
  • Fixed:  Image Width
  • Fixed:  Form Submit Conditional Logic
  • Fixed:  Empty Actions After Submit
  • Fixed:  get google fonts and font awesome issue
  • Fixed:  Form Not Full Width With Oxygen

1.0.29 ( 2020/10/27 )

  • Publish Form After Save
  • Duplicate Form
  • Fixed:  Send Data By Label for Select, Image Select Field

1.0.28 ( 2020/10/24 )

  • Fixed:  Select Typography

1.0.26 ( 2020/10/23 )

  • Fixed:  Saving Issue
  • Auto Fill Field ID
  • Added: Loading Icon for Save Button
  • Added: Back to WordPress Dashboard Button
  • Fixed:  Image Width, Position
  • Fixed:  Added: (+/-) Button for Number Field

1.0.23 ( 2020/10/21 )

  • Fixed:  Oxygen Conflict Issue

1.0.22 ( 2020/10/17 )

  • Update Checkbox / Radio Style

1.0.18 ( 2020/10/02 )

  • Optimize Enqueue JS/CSS Files

1.0.16 ( 2020/09/30 )

  • Added: More Checkbox / Radio Style Options

1.0.15 ( 2020/09/24 )

1.0.11 ( 2020/09/23 )

  • Added: Piotnet Forms Shortcodes in your Post / Page to Fixed:  Woocommerce Checkout, Css Loading ( You can see this section below the post/page content )

1.0.10 ( 2020/09/22 )

  • Update Editor CSS
  • Update MailerLite
  • Update PDF Generator Multiple Size
  • Added: option Disable Form Database ( You can see this option on Submit Button Settings )
  • Fixed:  Icon

1.0.6 ( 2020/09/21 )

  • Dynamic Value for Field Default Value
  • Remove License

1.0.5 ( 2020/09/20 )

Fixed:  Edit Post Shortcode

1.0.1 ( 2020/09/19 )

Fixed:  Select Field Style

1.0.0 ( 2020/09/18 )Fww SdateOpt