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Summer Sales 20 Off for Piotnet Addons & Piotnet Forms

Dynamic Field Value

Since Piotnet Forms Version 2.0 was released. You can set Dynamic Default Value for Fields by using Dynamic Tags right inside the field or manually embed these shortcodes.

Edit Field > Settings > Default Value> Lightning Icon

dynamic field value

1. Current Date Time


You can custom date format like this {{current_date_time | date_format:Y-m-d H:i:s}}

2. Current Request (POST, GET)

E.g. You want to get parameter value from URL

GET : {{request | parameter:utm_source}}

POST : {{request_post | parameter:utm_source}}

Detailed video tutorial:

3. Current User Information

{{user_info | meta:ID}}

{{user_info | meta:user_login}}

{{user_info | meta:user_nicename}}

{{user_info | meta:user_email}}

{{user_info | meta:user_url}}

{{user_info | meta:user_registered}}

{{user_info | meta:user_status}}

{{user_info | meta:display_name}}

{{user_info | meta:custom_user_meta}}

4. Current Post / Page


{{post_title}} or {{post_title | length:0}}


{{post_time | format:F j, Y}}

{{post_modified_time | format:F j, Y}}

{{post_content | length:0}}

{{post_excerpt | length:50}}


{{post_featured_image | size:full}}

{{post_terms | taxonomy:tags | separator:, | link:true}}

5. Shortcode

{{shortcode | shortcode:[your_shortcode]}}

6. Custom Field

{{post_custom_field | name:your_field_name}}

{{acf_field | name:your_field_name}}

{{acf_field | name:your_group_name | key:your_sub_fields}}

{{metabox_field | name:your_field_name}}

{{metabox_field | name:your_group_name | key:your_sub_fields}}

{{pods_field | name:your_field_name}}

{{toolset_field | name:your_field_name}}

{{jetengine_field | name:your_field_name}}

An example for Custom field values

7. Author Info

{{author_info | meta:display_name}}

{{author_info | meta:user_nicename}}

{{author_info | meta:user_email}}

{{author_info | meta:description}}

{{author_info | meta:user_meta}}

8. WooCommerce


{{wc_product_price | format:full}}

{{wc_product_price | format:original}}

{{wc_product_price | format:sale}}



{{wc_product_short_description | length:0}}

{{post_terms | taxonomy:product_cat | separator:, | link:true}}

{{post_terms | taxonomy:product_tag | separator:, | link:true}}


9. Archive


{{archive_description | length:0}}

{{archive_meta | term_id:term_id | meta_key:meta_key}}

10. Term








{{term_meta | meta_key:meta_key}}

11. Remote IP


12. CSS Variable
