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Distance Calculation

distance calculation 1

You can calculate the distance between 2 Address Autocomplete Fields (e.g. taxi service) or From a Specific Location to an Address Autocomplete Field (e.g. from your store to your customer’s address)

Calculated Distance between 2 Address Autocomplete Fields

distance calculation 2
  1. Create 2 Address Autocomplete Fields (e.g. location_a and location_b)
  2. Create a Calculated Field > Enable Distance Calculation > Enter From Field Shortcode and To Field Shortcode

Calculated Distance From Specific Location to an Address Autocomplete Fields

distance calculation 3
  1. Create an Address Autocomplete Fields (e.g. location_b)
  2. Create a Calculated Field > Enable Distance Calculation > Enter From Location (Please go to and type your address to get the exact location) > Enter To Field Shortcode